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Aktuálne pracovné príležitosti v EFSA



Úrad EFSA zverejnil dve nové pracovné príležitosti.

Statistician & Bioinformatician

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), based in Parma, Italy 

is looking for a 

Statistician and a Bioinformatician
(Temporary Agent, Grade AD6) 

Please send us your application by no later than 23 August 2021 at 23:59 (local time), following the instructions in the ANNEX

The purpose of this call is to establish a talent pool (reserve list) that may be used for the recruitment of staff when a position becomes available and will be valid until 31/12/2022. The validity of the talent pool may be extended.


Are you an analytical professional passionate about statistics or bioinformatics tools?
Are you attracted by the power of data and how it can be used to innovate and transform scientific organisations such as EFSA? 

If you are looking for an interesting and challenging opportunity in an multidisciplinary scientifically driven organisation, then do not hesitate and send us your application still today!

This call aims to establish a talent pool for Statisticians & Bioinformaticians.


Head of Risk Assessment Services Department 

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), based in Parma, Italy 

is looking for a 

Head of Department - Risk Assessment Services 
(Temporary Agent, Grade AD12) 

Please send us your application by no later than 7 September 2021 at midnight (local time), following the instructions in the ANNEX


Are you a seasoned manager with experience in developing and implementing organisational strategies?

Do you have a passion to generate innovation and accompany changes?

Do you feel ready to tackle a new challenge and lead the newly created Risk Assessment Services Department? As a dynamic and resilient individual with strategic insight, this is the job for you!

The Risk Assessment Services Department is one of the four departments of EFSA which is being created under a new organisational structure that will be implemented as of 1 January 2022. Its size is estimated at around 180 staff. It will have the mission to deliver services enabling, supporting and guiding the risk assessment production work, promoting integration and synergies between the sectoral areas and ensuring the quality and efficiency of the scientific process. 

The Department:

  • Coordinates and develops methodologies and guidance to conduct scientific assessments;
  • Delivers data analysis, literature searches and methodological assistance to support the production of risk  assessment (including crisis management and urgent responses);
  • Provides data management services;
  • Supports the work of the Scientific Committee and its Working Groups and Networks for the assessment of risks in cross-cutting scientific topics and for the development of cross-sectorial methodologies and guidance;
  • Ensures centralised planning of EFSA’s scientific workforce;
  • Provides front office services to risk managers and applicants;
  • Provides centralised risk assessment logistics, administrative and information services throughout the risk assessment process.

The Department will be composed of 4 Units: Front Desk & Workforce Planning, Integrated Data, Risk Assessment Logistics, and Methodology and Scientific Support.

The Head of Department reports to the Executive Director of EFSA.


Kontakty pre médiá:

EFSA Media Relations Office
Tel.: +39 0521 036 149
E-mail: [email protected]

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